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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

Why Time is the Ultimate Currency in Business and Life

blog mindset motivation Oct 04, 2024
vase of tulips on top of a small business planner created by small business strategist Holly Haynes

As entrepreneurs, we’re often so focused on business goals, scaling strategies, and chasing revenue that it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. In this post, I'm sharing a recent story that really brought home for me the value of time—a perspective that might change how you view success and fulfillment in both life and business.

A Moment of Reflection

This past week, my husband Scott and I attended the funeral of our neighbor. He had just retired, and after working hard for decades, he finally seemed poised to enjoy a well-earned rest. But just three months into retirement, he passed away unexpectedly. It was a sobering reminder of the fragility of life.

His passing brought back memories of my own father’s death from cancer when I was just 24. Losing him so young made me confront the same hard truth: time waits for no one. It's all too easy to get caught up in building a business and forget about the reasons we’re doing it in the first place. That’s why I worked so hard for two years to create a life where I can be present for my family, take care of my mom, and support those around me.

Being there for my kids, having the flexibility to take walks with Scott, and, in this case, showing up for our neighbors—those are the things that make life meaningful. And I’ve built a business that gives me the freedom to do that.

Redefining Success Beyond Revenue

As a small business strategist, I’m all about helping people build a sustainable business growth strategy framework. But if the goal is simply hitting bigger and bigger revenue targets, we may lose sight of the deeper purpose.

While I’m in the middle of launching my Anti-Social School program, I haven’t been fixated on the results. Sure, business goals are important, but they don't define my worth. My success isn’t about how much money I make in a launch. Instead, it’s about creating a life where I can take my girls to a sunflower field when we need a break, and where I can write this post from my patio with the sun shining and Norah Jones playing in the background.

Success, for me, means not being chained to my screen, constantly creating content just to stay afloat. It means using time as my most valuable currency and investing it in ways that enrich my life and those around me.

Building a Business Strategy Around Your Life, Not the Other Way Around

As someone who has spent years studying (and teaching) strategy and entrepreneurship, I’m passionate about helping business owners find a way to align their work with their life goals. There’s a common trap many entrepreneurs fall into: we start building a business, and before we know it, the business is dictating our schedule, our priorities, and our life.

What if we turned that around? Instead of building a life around your business, what if you built a business around your life? This might mean adopting a strategy that allows for more flexibility or focusing on systems that free up your time.

For example, rather than obsessing over a constant stream of social media posts, you could create a sustainable business growth strategy framework that brings in clients through channels that don’t demand constant attention. This could be email marketing, a blog, or evergreen content that continues to attract your ideal clients without requiring you to trade your time for every dollar you earn.

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Business Strategy vs. Brand Strategy: Which One Comes First?

A lot of people confuse business strategy with brand strategy. While these are closely related, they serve different purposes. Your brand strategy is about how you want to be perceived in the market. It’s the story, the vibe, and the promise you make to your clients.

On the other hand, your business strategy is about how you’re going to make money. It’s the structure, systems, and actions that will lead you toward your goals. But, as I’ve been reminded recently, these strategies should never come at the cost of your personal life.

The beauty of aligning your business and brand strategies is that you can attract clients who value the same things you do. When you’re authentic in your branding and intentional in your business strategy, you’ll attract people who resonate with your message. This is what I refer to as the business strategy vs brand strategy debate, and why I believe both need to work in harmony to create a fulfilling business.

Making Time the Ultimate Currency

During the funeral, I spoke to our neighbor's father, who is now 92. He said to Scott and me, “I don’t know why I’m still here, but I keep showing up because I have something left to do.” That conversation reminded me of the importance of making an impact. Our time here is finite, so it’s crucial to invest it wisely.

For many, launching a business is the ultimate expression of freedom. But let’s not lose sight of why we’re seeking that freedom in the first place. It’s not just about financial independence; it’s about using that independence to create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Step into Your CEO Era

If you’re ready to step into your CEO era, it’s time to take back control of your schedule and focus on what truly matters. A CEO’s job isn’t just to chase revenue. It’s also about making decisions that align with your core values. As you develop your business growth strategy framework, remember that you’re not just building a business—you’re building a life.

Celebrate Success in Every Form

In business, we often measure success in financial terms. But success can be celebrated in so many other ways. It’s in the ability to decide how you spend your days, who you spend them with, and what impact you make on the world.

As you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, take a moment to reflect on what success truly means to you. Time is the ultimate currency, and how you choose to spend it will define your legacy. Whether you’re launching a product, creating content, or building a brand, remember that you have the power to shape your business around the life you want—not the other way around.

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Join us at the Anti-Social School, where I teach you how to scale your business without sacrificing your life. Enrollment is open, and I’d love to help you find the balance that works for you.

Success is yours to define. How will you choose to spend your time?


About the author

Holly Haynes is a business strategist who loves a good plan and flow chart. She is crazy passionate about teaching women like you how to build your dream job and scale to 6-figures without sacrificing your weekends or priorities.

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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.