The Biz Tasks I do every AM
Sep 15, 2020
Wonder how the heck to fit in ALL THE THINGS into your day? Well, I am here to tell you that I grew my full-time business in small cracks in the morning when I had about 90 minutes of time. (And that includes the weekends off!)
These are the exact steps I take EVERY morning Monday thru Friday to nurture and grow my business.
- Always put yourself first. It increases confidence, creativity, and motivation! (You can grab my full personal AM routine here)
- Use 30-60 minutes each day for your VIP (Very important income-producing tasks); That way the rest of the day is a bonus if you have more time!
What are income-producing tasks you ask? Ask yourself, is this going to help moving your business forward? Example: Website updates (sometimes); Direct messages (almost all the time)
These are my exact VIP tasks every AM:
- Answer all messages/emails / DM’s. That is how I measure if my business is moving forward. I always want to be connecting and networking.
- Check-in on current clients. They are the most important.
- Network. (This means following up on podcast pitches, FB groups, commenting on my community posts etc.)
- BONUS: Dive into my 30- minute social media strategy (which I talk about on episode 027 of the podcast.
My philosophy is to pour my best energy into the most important tasks every am at a minimum 4 days a week. Then use Friday as a catch-up day and take weekends off.
I am telling you, even the smallest strategy works. And this one for sure does!
How can you work this into your morning routine?