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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

Streamline Your Summer Content Creation: Tips for Staying Ahead

automation blog business systems content planning engagement strategy productivity tips Jun 19, 2024
business strategist for female entrepreneurs Holly Haynes where headphones and holding laptop to streamline summer content


One of the most popular topics in our community right now is planning—whether it's launching new products, creating content around vacations, managing kids' schedules, or simply enjoying the summer season. So, I thought I’d break down a few strategies we’re using to get ahead this summer with our content, and how you can too. The best part? This might be the simplest content plan ever. Total win!

My #1 Piece of Advice

My number one piece of advice on this topic is to create more than you consume. As I’m creating his blog post, I’m currently on a social media break. I do this every few months just to reset my habits. I actually have a really good relationship with social media thanks to all our repurposing strategies (hint: if you didn’t read my blog posts about how we are using AI to repurpose content, and how we use Metricool to schedule our content, make sure to go back and read those.

Define Your Profit Goal

My second piece of advice is super simple. You know we like basic strategy around here. What is your profit goal for the next 30 days? Write it down. It could be a number, a feeling, or just the desire to launch a new program. What is it?

Once you have your goal, work backward to plan, post, and then profit!

Brainstorm and Bundle

If you’re not sure what to offer or how to reach your goal, think about what your clients are asking you or something fun you can do this summer to bundle things together that you already have. For example, can you bundle multiple products together? Partner with another coach or service provider for extra bonuses? Hold a flash sale for some of your older offers?

Summer is a time to be creative, have fun, and play around with your strategy. Feel the season!

Understand Your Audience

Now that you have your 30-day goal, brainstorm what content makes the most sense to lead to your ultimate offer.

  • What is your audience experiencing right now? Maybe it’s time to tailor your content to lighter topics or subjects relevant to the season.
  • What can you do to better understand your audience? When was the last time you asked them, did a survey, or took a poll?
  • Try our 30/30 exercise. This is one of my favorites. Once you figure out your end goal, think about 30 challenges your client might be experiencing with this topic and how your offer can fix it. Honestly, this could be your entire content plan.

From Plan to Content to Profit

Now that we have a plan, how do you turn it into content and profit? Start by picking the platform you want to begin with. I recommend having a home base—something long-form and that you control, like email, a blog, or video.

Set aside time on your calendar (one day a week) using our CEO Week Schedule (psst, you can grab this at www.hollymariehaynes.com/ceoweek if you haven’t already) and create this content.

For example, I set aside two hours once a week to write as many podcast episodes as possible. This is our home base. I create the titles of the podcast based on step one. What are you experiencing right now? What are you asking? What season is it? And what can help you the most?

Repurpose and Automate

Once you have your long-form content, map out how you want to repurpose it. Perhaps it goes from blog to Instagram to YouTube, or from blog to podcast to Instagram. Create a visual map so every week you can follow the same process.

To make this easy, create templates for each platform you are sharing on. For example, if you are writing a blog, then a social post, then a YouTube video, create templates for each.

  1. Blog Template: Include headers, bullet points, and SEO-friendly elements you can use every week. Pull out your SEO keywords ahead of time so you can repurpose quickly.
  2. Social Media Templates: Create 3-5 templates in Canva. For example, we rotate between three reel covers, two carousel posts, and one static post. We have used the same templates for the last six months. You don’t need to change them all the time, just swap out the photos.
  3. Content Folders: Create folders with photos ready to use. For example, I have folders on my iPhone with saved videos or B-roll for reels. I have a family folder, a retreat folder, a photoshoot folder, etc. So when I sit down to create a reel, I’m not searching for content—it’s all right there. I pull the video, add the text from my long-form content, and I’m done.
 Introducing a new private podcast series that’s just for you if you’re sick of all the Instagram BS! (or insert social channel of your choice). You can build a business without being a slave to the social engine. Grab the free series.

Leverage AI Tools

Every time you repurpose your long-form content, you can use tools like Google Gemini to help you. Read this post for more details on how to do this without losing your voice.

Schedule Your Content

Finally, use a scheduling tool like Metricool. Even though I’m on a social media break this week (i.e., I’m not on the app at all), all of our scheduled posts are still getting shared.

Always Include a Call to Action

When you post or share any of your content, always include a call to action. Remember step one? What are we pulling people back to? You can use apps like ManyChat to engage offline, point people to download a freebie to get them on your email list, or ask questions to get engagement and better understand your audience.

Track Your Results

Keep it simple. Know your end goal, use tools to help you repurpose, and always have a call to action. At the end of the month, when you are getting ready to set your next profit goal, track how it worked. I simply put a reminder on my calendar for the last Friday of every month to look at metrics.

  • How many new email followers do you have?
  • Where did your most engagement come from?
  • What topics were the most popular?
  • What can you do again on repeat to make the next month easier?

Save Your Work

Lastly, save your work! We write everything in a Google Doc first (so it’s easily searchable) and use tools like Zapier to save all our social posts to a spreadsheet. If the stats tell you it worked well, post it next month with a different photo.

Make it a Summer of Both

Summer can be fun and profitable. What do you think of this easy content strategy? Is this something you can follow this month? I'd love to see your results!

By following this streamlined approach, you can stay ahead of your content schedule, enjoy the summer, and still achieve your business goals. Let’s make this summer a season of growth and creativity!

Looking for more tips? Check out our Crush the Rush Club!


About the author

Holly Haynes is a business strategist who loves a good plan and flow chart. She is crazy passionate about teaching women like you how to build your dream job and scale to 6-figures without sacrificing your weekends or priorities.

Connect With Holly:

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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.