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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

How to Start a Coaching Business (When you Work Full-Time)

blog business coach business tips business tips for entrepreneurs female entrpenreurs online business coach side hustle business coach Sep 01, 2021
Holly sharing tips for how to start a coaching business

I am super excited for this post because it is a question I get asked a lot.

"Holly, how do I get started with a coaching business?"

Now when I say coaching business, I mean some sort of service (not a product). So you are trading your time and expertise for a fee if that makes sense. 

For years when I was in network marketing, it was product-based combined with my “coaching” as a service. So when I made my pivot, I decided to use my 20-year corporate strategy background mixed with my business experience and love of strategy and planning to help other small business owners like you take the next step and grow and scale.

Here are a few simple steps for how to start a coaching business:


  1. Brainstorm. Do a brainstorming session on what your method is. I have talked about this SO much lately (this post) because it literally is the base of everything I do. And is the very first thing I teach my clients. What are you known for? Make it VERY clear. If you are Kim Kardashian or someone with a billion followers you can dabble in multiple areas of expertise, but when you get started it is much easier for you and your clients if it is ONE thing. 

  2. Create a freebie or lead magnet. One that is so valuable people can’t help but question how to work with you. Ok, now that you have that base, think about what we just did. We created a platform now where we are known for ONE thing and have a place for people to go to learn more about it.

    You want people to be raving fans.

    I am a BIG fan of creating resources that actually help people. Not just a quick download that has 1-2 questions. When you provide them with an answer to their problem AND it is easy to use, super clear and something they reference often, they will come back for more.

    Do you love these tips? Take the Productivity Personality Quiz to get a Netflix-style binge-worthy resource list to help you find your focus and is customized to you! Take the quiz here. 

  3. Convert fans into clients. Think about how to actually make your fans into clients. And for most getting started the easiest first step is a 1:1 session or some sort of “audit”. Use your expertise to help them personally. The best part about this offer is you don’t need any fancy tools or websites. You can take on your first 1:1 client for a 30-minute strategy session (insert your expert topic) without building out any course.

  4. Put yourself out there. If you don’t tell people how to work with you, how are they going to know? Remember, only 1% of what you say online is actually seen. And if you go by email open rates it's about 20-30%. So get used to asking multiple times. 

If you dig this kind of strategy hit me up in the DM’s. I have some 1:1 offerings for you that will help you take the next step. I don’t offer them to everyone (i.e. my calendar is super crazy like yours) so it's a way of saying thanks for being a listener. Let’s build out your business together and actually see some clients (and income) and make an impact together. 

Looking for more on this topic and for 10 more questions to dive deeper into your business (and life)? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club! 

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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.