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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

How We Organically Tripled our Email List in 1 Year

blog building your funnel business strategy tips business systems business tips content planning email marketing engagement strategy lead magnet Apr 03, 2023
Overhead of desk to show how we organically tripled our email list in one year
I'll first be honest and tell you that when I planned this blog post, I had no idea our Anti-Social strategy would be front and center like it is right now. And that is the fact that we lost our Instagram account and restarted from scratch. So first, thank you to the 400 people that are following us. And also thank you for understanding when every single email, link, funnel, etc. is wrong now because it has the wrong account. But also, no one cares. And I am saying that to myself. No one is going to care if your IG account goes down or your post doesn't perform well. No one but you.

So why are we putting SO much emphasis on one little platform?

I say we because I am still recovering. Why are we doing this? Because you don't have a plan B. I have said this 100 times but social media is the sidecar. The magazine of highlights. It's not the movie premiere or the main event.

The Main Event

As a business strategist, here is what is our main event: Email. In December of last year (2022) we had about 1,100 email subscribers. As I write this right now we have 4,500. So basically my method is that content is king. And email is queen.
I have sent a minimum of two emails out every week for the last three years, even when I had 10 people reading. Do you know how many emails that has added up to? 1 Million. Yes. that's one million with an M. Can you guess where I spend my time? Email is important. So hopefully that fun fact proves it. But also, our average open rate is around 42%. The Industry Average open rate is 17.8%. Which means it's effective. And yes, I write them all. Every Thursday night I am writing the emails for the following week. It's me. Hi. *Insert Taylor Swift song*. Ok, I get carried away, but it's me. My voice. My stories to you.

How to get people on your email list

So how do you get people on your email list? And triple it in one year? Organically? This is the plan we followed.

Step #1 - Dig a little deeper into where your people hang out.

Hint - it's probably podcasts. And no, it's not oversaturated so don't roll your eyes when I say that. Even if one podcast has 100 downloads, that 100 people that you are speaking directly to which is a much higher percentage than the 2-3% on social. But the trick is you can't just go on a podcast tour. You have to go on a podcast tour with INTENTION. Who are you speaking to? What is your message? Where are you pointing them to after your interview (hint it should be email) AND what stories are you telling inside your interview that give you credibility and authority?
But also. Have you heard these podcast stats? Podcast listeners according to "Convince and Convert" have grown 30% in the last 3 years, meaning almost 80% of Americans listen to podcasts. Your client is there. I promise. You don't have to have a podcast to take advantage of this. But also, if you have a podcast, don't give up.
  • If your episodes get more than 124 downloads in 30 days, you’re in the top 50% of podcasts.
  • If your episodes get more than 1,000 downloads, you’re in the top 20%.
  • If your episodes get more than 2,900 downloads, you’re in the top 10%.
  • If your episodes get more than 6,700 downloads you’re in the top 3%.
  • Just for fun, we have over 100k downloads so that puts this podcast in the top 1% - but it all comes down to consistency. Just like two emails a week. We have put out two episodes a week for three years.
Podcasting can be powerful when you are PREPARED with what you want to say.

If you take away ONE thing from this blog, this is it. Be prepared.

What you want to say and how you want to say it is the trick, then move people to your email list. That is the pivotal piece of our anti-social strategy. The listeners are great. Listeners that know you and then get your email are even better.
 Do you love these tips? Take the Productivity Personality Quiz to get a Netflix-style binge-worthy resource list to help you find your focus and is customized to you! Take the quiz here.  


Step #2 - Podcasts are powerful but so is video and authentic face-to-face connection.

I made a goal to be on 100 podcasts that were not mine last year which averaged out to be about two interviews a week. What came out of those interviews? The most awesome network of entrepreneurs I could imagine. Because every time before and after each interview I had a face-to-face conversation. And that led to partnerships, affiliates, opportunities to speak, and more. What was their business? What did they enjoy? What was working for them? What wasn't? I didn't realize my 100 podcast goal would turn into networking gold.

How can you make this work?

Where can you get in front of other business owners face-to-face? Mastermind calls? Community meetings? Local meetups? And how can you serve them? I started to prioritize summits, speaking engagements, coffee chats, and more. My goal was one time a month. This is the fun part. This is what I call the 7-degrees of Kevin bacon. You speak to one group and you impact 10 people. Two additional people ask you to speak to their group. 30 people. And it goes on and on and on.
My Anti-Social strategy is truly networking with some purpose behind it. You can download the whole framework in my Ditch the Social Drama private podcast series.
Every workshop, summit, mastermind, and podcast interview, I go in with the intention to wow the audience. How can you be SO helpful they can't help but notice want to learn more? But also, be intentional about the next steps.


Point them in the right direction to learn more.

Going back to the data I shared about open rates. I truly believe our open rates are higher because I am not just another random person coming into your inbox. Most of you met online, face to face this past year, then began reading the blog and listening to the podcast or vice versa. Show people you are a real person. Tell your story and wow them by helping them.
If you need help with your anti-social strategy, grab the framework.
Looking for more on this topic and your High-Level Action items? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!
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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.