One of the questions I hear a lot in our community is "will anyone actually buy anything from me? Or will they actually buy that from me?" So often (myself included) we doubt ourselves as mentors and coaches, especially in this economy. Which honestly is normal, I would have serious questions for you if you didn't.
And yes, I added the word economy to the topic. If I am being honest I almost didn't, because who I am to talk about the recession (although I did get A+ in my Econ classes in graduate school)? I wanted to add that because I get asked the first question, will people actually buy from me, and then I get asked the second question, "but the economy right now. Is anyone even purchasing?"
My short answer is yes and yes. This means heck yes you have everything you need to succeed and launch, and also yes, people will buy from you in this economy. I share this as we just wrapped up the 4th round of our Collective Mastermind recruiting and have filled it every time. The first 3 rounds were during the pandemic and this past round, what is happening with the economy?
How to Feel Confident Offering your Services
I want to dig deep into how to feel confident offering your services and the first one is to gather the facts.
The fact is people are buying and people (i.e. your ideal customers) want to buy from people like you. I don't know about you, but I don't want to buy from Kim Kardashian (although I am secretly curious if her Skimms are worth it). I assure you she is not mapping out her social media content plan, tracking her finances, and planning her launches out to a T trying to understand what her email open rates are. This is where you come in. People want your experience. And they want to work with someone that is 1-2 steps ahead of them. People, including myself, want real life. So guess what. You check the first box.
The Current Economy
Since we are talking about facts, dig into the facts about the economy right now.
Yes, people are buying. But also, they are taking longer to make decisions about what to purchase. This doesn't mean they aren't purchasing, it just means you need to be the right fit. This means you need to be super focused on sharing what you do and how you do it so they can make an informed decision. You know my saying, facts not feelings.
Tip #1: Understand the Facts
The first step to being more confident is to understand the facts. We are in a weird economy right now yes, but now more than ever women need and want to build multiple streams of income. So be the one to help them do it! My own personal opinion is that this is the time when a lot of you quit. Because purchasing is taking longer, you might need to talk about your offer a few more times or send more emails than you usually do. But take the extra step. Don't talk yourself out of why you started in the first place.
Tip #2: How to Stay Motivated
My second tip for feeling more confident as a coach once you have your facts down is to recognize that you are not going to be motivated every single day. And that is OK. I'd say 50% of the time I wake up motivated. On the other days, I have to dig deep about what I need to do and why I need to do it. Whether it's a book, a podcast a community, you have to have those tools around ALL THE TIME. Not just once a week. If you aren't in the mood to listen to a podcast on marketing, listen to your favorite playlist, meditate, or call a friend, you have to do this daily. You have to get yourself to a place where you have positive reinforcement at any point you need it.
My current go-to's for positive reinforcement are:
- podcasts
- a good Spotify playlist
- Walking outside
- And here's the kicker. Getting off social media.
My anxiety goes through the roof when I spend more time on social media. So when I start to feel overwhelmed, my first step is a good song, a walk, and to hide my phone. Unfortunately, I have the patience of a gnat so in order for me to be off social media, I have to literally keep my phone upstairs. Listen to your body and your feelings. Where are you at and what do you need? You can't perform at 110% every day, so how are you going to refuel?
Tip #3: Do Your Own Thing
My third tip for feeling more confident, especially in this economy, is to remember that you don't have to do what everyone else does. When I first started my pivot into business coaching, I went down the path of looking at what others did and trying to do that, but also adding my own spin to it. When I realized it wasn't what I loved to do, I pivoted again and decided to do things the way I like them, based on my experience and my expertise. This is where you can pivot too. The coaching world is not a one size fits all model. Listen to your clients. What are they asking for? Just because Beyonce launched an epic 12-module course last week on the same topic you teach doesn't mean you need to too. Remember tip #1, people want to work with you because you are you.
Do you love these tips? Take the Productivity Personality Quiz to get a Netflix-style binge-worthy resource list to help you find your focus and is customized to you! Take the quiz here. 
As it relates to launching and launching something that aligns with YOU and your goals in this economy, the one trend we are seeing is the launch tail might be a bit longer. As an example, our mastermind launch is usually six weeks and is super slow and calculated as it is a lot behind the scenes. This time it was eight weeks, so about two weeks longer. I am calling this the extra 10%. It might take a little bit more effort right now, but it doesn't mean that you can't do it.
I share this because feeling confident going into the fall launch season is something that is a non-negotiable if you want to be successful. Repeat after me. You have experience. People want to work with you AND you have what it takes to put yourself out there. You are going to build the motivational toolkit you need and set yourself up for success.
Yes, it might take a few more emails and that extra 10%, but you are going to be the one that keeps going. Am I right?
Time to Bloom
Don't let your dreams stay buried in your heart. Get it out to the world and be the change we all are wishing to see. In my opinion, the economy is a good excuse right now. One that doesn't impact you and your next step.
I don't remember who said this, but I was writing this blog post sitting on my patio the other day. I was looking at the flower garden we planted in the spring, specifically the zinnias and dahlias that we are finally starting to see. The quote is, "the flower does not think of the competing flower next to it. It just blooms."
Now is your time to bloom!
p.s. If you are launching this fall and would like some extra support (you can tell I get extra passionate about this), just text "LAUNCH" 614-810-4236! We have something special we are working on behind the scenes.