How to Build your Dream Schedule Now
Sep 08, 2021
This post might take you by surprise.
Start your dream schedule right now.
Until recently, I was the oh, let’s set 10 goals and work towards them kind of gal. But I have been convinced there is another way.
A few months after working with a nutrition coach who is also an NLP Practitioner, I am journaling and meditating and dealing with some HEAVY things that always come up with you actually slow down to think. The ONE thing that kept coming up over and over and over again which was hindering so many things was my schedule.
Stress. It was because of my schedule.
Overeating. Insert stress. Because of my schedule.
Headaches. Too many zoom calls. Due to schedule.
Not enough time with my family. Schedule
No time to be creative. Schedule.
You get the idea.
And I kept saying, well I still work full time. And I am still growing my business. So what is supposed to change?
Maybe you can relate.
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Build Your Dream Schedule
But instead of waiting, we decided to do a little exercise. And that is what I am going to walk you through.
- What does your perfect day look like?
- Who are you interacting with?
- Where are you at?
- What are you doing to continue to support your own personal habits? (Insert nutrition, wellness, and yes meditating).
I slowed down enough to really think about what this perfect schedule was. And while most of the time I would be like, oh I want to be working from a beach house in Hawaii, this time it was every day. Doing things like being there when the kids get on the bus.
What does your perfect “work” day look like?
I outlined the perfect schedule, which for me included things like time to work on myself in the morning, time to cook for the family in the evening, a limited number of zoom calls so I could actually work during the day, and the big one. I only want to work 3 days a week.
Now, as I am writing this I still work full time and have a very full-time business. BUT I rearranged my schedule to be closer to what I want it to be.
How can you design your dream schedule NOW?
- What does your perfect day look like?
- Who can you tell to keep you accountable? What conversations do you need to have?
- Even if it is a baby step to the big step, what can you do right now to make it happen?
How would it feel if next week you did ONE thing to make your dreams schedule a reality? Maybe it's scheduling a coffee date with yourself (yes team pumpkin spice) or going for a walk in the woods at lunch (that’s mine). What about having the entire evening off and being able to spend it with your kids every night (and no work is involved)? Or maybe you have a business date with your spouse to really talk about how to take things to the next level. Better yet, with the change of season go clean out a space to create a desk, rearrange your office and treat yourself like the CEO you are.
Whatever it is. Design it now. And then let your dreams build around you. There is no reason to wait.
Looking for more on this topic? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!