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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

How to Build a Thriving Business Community Without Social Media

blog building your funnel business resources business tips for entrepreneurs engagement strategy Sep 13, 2024
business strategist for female entrepreneurs Holly Haynes sitting with another female entrepreneur

In today’s saturated business scene, small business owners and entrepreneurs face a major challenge: how to stand out, build trust, and create a loyal following. Whether you’re a small business strategist like me or any other kind of entrepreneur, one of the most powerful ways to achieve this is by fostering a strong community around your brand. But here’s the catch: community isn’t just a word you can throw around—it takes time, effort, and intentionality to build and maintain.

In today's blog post, I’ll explore how to strategically build a community without relying on social media as your primary tool. We’ll dive into how to set up a home base for your audience, foster peer-to-peer interaction, and showcase real-life success stories to build trust. Along the way, we’ll weave in ideas for developing a business growth strategy framework that aligns with your goals and tips for consistently engaging with your community. Let’s dive in!

The Power of a Micro-Niche and a Lead Magnet

I recently discussed the importance of being a thought leader in your space. One of the key takeaways was the power of micro-niching. Whether you're exploring strategy and entrepreneurship or leading a small business, narrowing down your focus can be incredibly effective. Micro-niching means you’re addressing a very specific problem for a very specific group of people.

For instance, instead of positioning yourself as just another business coach, you could be a business strategy specialist for female entrepreneurs in the wellness industry. By getting super specific, you’ll create a more loyal and engaged community, as they’ll feel like your offerings are tailor-made for them.

Another aspect to consider when building community is your lead magnet—the resource or offer that pulls potential customers in. Many entrepreneurs hesitate when launching their first offer, worrying that their audience isn’t big enough or they don’t have enough credibility. These are normal feelings, but with the right community strategy, you can combat them.

Why You Need a Home Base

One of the biggest tips I can offer as a small business strategist is to establish a “home base”—a central hub where your audience gathers that you own. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great for outreach, but ultimately, you don’t own your following there. Algorithms change, accounts get hacked, and your entire audience can disappear overnight. That’s why I always recommend setting up a home base that you control. For me, this is my podcast

A great option is a weekly branded newsletter that serves as a thought leadership piece. This allows you to consistently engage with your audience and build rapport. Whether you choose to do this through email, a podcast, Substack, or a blog, the key is consistency. Your home base should be a place where your community knows they can expect valuable insights on a regular basis.

The Importance of Peer-to-Peer Interaction

When you think about building a community, it’s important to create opportunities for real connection and interaction. Community isn’t just about broadcasting information—it’s about fostering a space where members can engage with each other. Whether you're discussing strategy and entrepreneurship, getting feedback on a product, asking for help with a current roadblock or your latest business growth strategy framework, allowing your community to connect, share ideas, and support one another is key to its success.

Encourage discussions through your newsletter by asking questions, hosting Q&A sessions, or even facilitating virtual workshops. When members of your community start talking to each other, they become more invested. They’ll see themselves as part of a group, which strengthens their loyalty to you and your brand.

Showcase Real-Life Client Success Stories

One of the best ways to build trust within your community is to showcase real-life client success stories. Testimonials are powerful, but what’s even more compelling is when you can show the specific, tangible results your clients have achieved. In today’s market, it’s no longer enough to say “join my tribe.” People want to see proof that your community is delivering results.

Take my own business as an example. When I talk about my programs likeAnti-Social School, I don’t just tell you what you’ll learn. I show you the actual results my clients have achieved by highlighting case studies and success stories. For example, when promoting our "Ditch the Social Drama" private podcast, I shared how our anti-social strategy saved our clients 10 hours a week by streamlining their content creation process.

This approach can be applied to any business growth strategy framework. Whether you’re offering coaching services, a mastermind group, or a product-based business, showing your audience the real-life results they can expect builds credibility and trust.

Introducing a new private podcast series that’s just for you if you’re sick of all the Instagram BS! (or insert social channel of your choice). You can build a business without being a slave to the social engine. Grab the free series.

Bringing It to Life: Real-Time Engagement

One of the most effective strategies I use is adding a live or interactive component to every program I offer. Today’s clients crave real-time connection. Whether it's a live Q&A session, a coaching call, or an open house event, giving your audience the chance to interact with you directly builds rapport and trust more quickly than anything else.

For example, when we launch our programs, I always include a live component so clients can ask questions, get feedback, and see that I'm truly invested in their success. Even if you’re running a group program, incorporating this real-time interaction can help foster deeper relationships with your community.

Lead by Example: Be a Thought Leader and Community Builder

In addition to showcasing client results, it’s essential to position yourself as a thought leader and community builder. Being a thought leader means you’re consistently offering valuable insights that push your audience to think differently and make strategic decisions. But it also means leading your community—fostering growth, spotlighting their achievements, and offering opportunities for them to engage.

One of the ways I do this is through our Client Spotlight Series. Each month, we highlight one of our clients on our podcast and newsletter, sharing their story and showcasing what they’ve achieved. Not only does this build trust with my audience, but it also helps my clients reach a new audience. It’s a win-win strategy that showcases real-life results and builds community at the same time.

Long-Term Partnerships and Collaboration

When building a community, think long-term. Instead of focusing on quick sales, aim for win-win partnerships that foster audience growth and long-term relationships. This could be as simple as doing a lead magnet swap with another entrepreneur in your space or collaborating on joint content. By sharing each other’s wins, you both benefit from cross-promotion and gain new followers.

The goal here is to design mutually beneficial collaborations that provide value to both audiences, not just one. This is a long-term business strategy vs brand strategy approach that ensures your community continues to grow and thrive over time.

Building a Lasting Community

Building a community takes time, patience, and strategy. You have to think about the long game. By establishing a home base, fostering peer-to-peer interaction, showcasing real-life success stories, and adding live components to your offers, you’ll build a loyal community that sticks with you through thick and thin.

So, ask yourself: how are you fostering community in your business? Are you being a thought leader and building a space where your audience can truly connect? If not, now’s the time to start.

About the author

Holly Haynes is a business strategist who loves a good plan and flow chart. She is crazy passionate about teaching women like you how to build your dream job and scale to 6-figures without sacrificing your weekends or priorities.

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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.