10 Questions to Ask when Hiring a Business Coach
Oct 30, 2020
When it comes to finding a mentor or hiring a 1:1 coach, it can be intimidating. And if you're like me you might have had some experience where it didn't go so well and now you are afraid to pull the trigger. Knowing what questions to ask to ask a business coach can help make hiring one a simple and truly beneficial investment. Use these questions to help select a business coach that matches your specific goals and needs and ultimately gets you the best results!
Before we get into some tips on how to find the right mentor, let's chat about why having a mentor is important.
Why Having a Mentor is Important
- Very few successful business owners do it 100% on their own. Actually, I cannot think of one person. They all have a community, teams, mentors. That inner circle that walks them through the next step.
- While it is important to learn to do things your way, it is equally important to learn from those that have done it before you! (i.e don't make the same mistakes they did.
- Not every day in business is a good day! What I mean is you need someone to hold your hand, to pump you up to pull out those amazing traits that sometimes you forget you have!
- Hands down the #1 thing I did to grow my business faster (and more efficiently) was to hire a coach and a mentor!
When it comes down to picking a mentor to help you, these powerful business coaching questions will allow you to come prepared.
Know your goals short and long term.
It is not up to them to determine where you want to be in let's say 3-6 months. You want to come to the table with where you want to be so they can help you get there! One strategy to create effective, easily achievable goals is to work SMART.
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
Envisioning your dreams this way allows you to break down lofty ideas into individual goals that are easier to accomplish through short-term steps. Consistency and taking small but actionable steps will move mountains.
Who do you look up to?
This is a great little "competitive research". Look at those entrepreneurs who are a few steps ahead of you that you admire and look up to. What do they do? How do they do it? Who do they work with? What is their daily life like? Make notes of these things. Map it out. And pull out where you want to go and what is important to you.
Why a good vibe matters
Working with a coach who has the same or similar values as you is important. If your coach prioritizes family time and not working on weekends and so do you, they will be able to help you build your business in a way that honors that. Then explain this to your mentor to make sure it is a good fit.
Do the Research.
Who have they worked with before? What is included or not included in their programs? How are you going to access them with questions? What is their knowledge level? Ask for testimonials.
Why taking the time to learn will save you time later
Research not only about the coach but about the results other business owners have gotten from working with them and the experience they had in the process. Did they have a good experience overall? Just like you'd look at the reviews when buying a pair of jeans online to see how they fit other women who have bought and worn them, knowing exactly what you are getting in the program and testimonials from others is so valuable when considering the investment.
What is their Schedule?
If you work full-time, having weekly 9 am calls with your coach isn't going to fly. So what is their schedule? What is your schedule? Are you able to find time to work together? How do they split their time between 1:1 clients and their products/services etc?
Why this question is important to ask
You will only benefit from hiring a business coach if you can actually take advantage of what they have to offer and work together, which includes being able to ask questions and work through ideas and roadblocks when they come up. This means making sure your schedules line up.
Expert Status
Does the small business coach speak, write, and teach on business topics? Is he or she a known expert in their field? Is the coach an expert on business topics: marketing (both traditional and internet marketing), customer service, strategic planning, financial planning, etc.?
Asking these powerful business coaching questions will give you a good idea of if this coach is an expert and in what fields.
Additional Offerings
In addition to coaching, does the coach offer other products or services, like books, audio programs, or classes?
More to gain
Can you gain more from working from them than just their coaching? This question will also show how much they pour into teaching others and their various areas of expertise. Looking at the other content they've created will also give you an idea of how they teach and provide extra resources without as big of an investment.
Free Consultation
Does the coach offer a free initial consultation, so that you can get to know one another and see if there is a good fit between what you need and what your coach can offer?
Learn more or keep looking?
This may not be a time to ask all of your powerful business coaching questions, but asking a few questions and having an actual conversation will give you an idea of if you want to learn more or continue your search.
Good fit
After your initial consultation, do you feel that it's a good fit, personality-wise? Do you feel positive after speaking with them, or dragged down? If you are an energetic person and the coach is quiet (or vice versa), is that a good match? Do you feel you can trust the coach and have a good rapport with him/her? Do you enjoy their company?
You're going to be spending a lot of time together, after all.
Does the coach challenge you to step up to your greatness, to be accountable for getting things done? Or does the coach let you get away with being less than you want to be?
Step up to your greatness
Working with a coach should push you to grow, but also encourage and support you. Does the coach provide both?
Fees and programs
Does the coach discuss their fees with you clearly? Are you clear about what you'll get for the price you'll pay?
This is an investment and if it's a good fit, a really positive one!
Finding a successful coach and mentor is as much on you as it is on them. While they should be providing the service, you should be committed to being the best student and following through. That ideally is what makes the relationship work and gets the best results.
My 1:1 programs are structured with the busy entrepreneur in mind. I chat about how to know if it is the right time to invest in Episode 052 of the Crush the Rush Podcast.
If you would like to connect about mentorship opportunities! Let's chat!