7 Tips to Keep up Motivation in the New Year
Jan 19, 2021
Happy New Year! I freaking LOVE a fresh start. I actually celebrate the start of a month just as much as I celebrate New Year. And to be honest, I really don’t do new years resolutions, but you know me, I am on HUGE goal setting and do it quarterly. Let’s chat about finding motivation and how to keep it going for the long haul.
Given that less than 50% of people who make resolutions ever keep them until Valentine’s Day, it’s understandable why so many are cynical about them. But while people sometimes make hasty resolutions, the real reason many fail is simple – they don’t take into account basic human psychology.
To make positive changes in your life – whether on January 1st or any day of the year – you need to set yourself up for success for the long haul. After all, success isn’t all just about attitude, it’s about employing strategies that steal your resolve and fuel your courage when the fear of failing rises up.
- Connect with your why- why are you doing what you're doing? What impact do you want to make? What is your purpose? Save this is in a spot you where you can go back and reflect on it.
- What is the payoff for not changing? If you keep doing the same things you are doing now and don't make any changes, what is going to happen? Think about the payoff for not hitting your goal AND hitting it!
- Narrow your focus. Consistency over time will see results.
- Don't go it alone - Find your Community (p.s. I have a solution for this!)
- Set smart goals- break your BIG goal into smaller, measurable pieces
- Expect changes and setbacks- 2020 is the perfect example. Expect them and know its OK!
- Invest in yourself - So let me ask you - who are you when you are at your best; when you're playing your 'A game'? Now ask yourself, what do you have to do for yourself – daily, weekly, regularly – to be that person more often?
Ask yourself, when you are feeling:
- Physically strong and energetic with plenty of stamina.
- Emotionally confident, optimistic and resilient.
- Mentally focused and clear on top priorities.
- Spiritually centered and attuned to your highest purpose on this earth.
What are you doing to keep that up? Why am I feeling so good? What am I doing differently? How can I keep this up? Its so important to recognize those signs so you can include it in your regular routine.
Along with acknowledging the triggers that make you feel your BEST, its also important to recognize the signs of stress, or what I refer to as procrastinations because procrastination is truly a form of stress. For me, this means stress, snacking and snoozing. When I start to see these habits pop up I know I am not at my best self. Then its time to evaluate: maybe I need to be more mentally focused, maybe I need to do something to build my confidence, maybe I need to be more physically strong so that I have more energy. Recognizing those signs is what helps me stay motivated.
Here are three final tips for staying motivated this year!
- Recognize your signs of procrastinations
- Spice up your tasks. Work in a different location or change your schedule around.
- Do something EVERYDAY that is going to inspire you! (journaling, taking a walk, reading, podcast, get a "pep squad" as I call and play it on repeat!)
I have mentioned this before, but schedule time on your calendar and just put “goal setting.” Give yourself an hour to just brainstorm and review. Its magic.
What steps are you implementing to stay motivated this year? Head over to the Crush the Rush FB group to share! If you're looking for accountability, check out our exclusive six-month personalized group mastermind to help you fast track your success inside a powerhouse community. Learn more about The Collective here.