Episode 313: Big Marketing on a Small Budget with Kristy Carruthers
Apr 04, 2023
Today we welcome Kristy Carruthers to the podcast. Kristy is a self-described serial entrepreneur with an amazing story – going from homeless to building a 7-figure business. She took all that she learned from growing her businesses and created her company, “She Corporated,” to help other female entrepreneurs do the same!
Kristy describes the very real reasons women don’t start their own business – financial, overwhelming responsibilities, societal expectations – but, at the end of the day, it comes down to confidence. She wishes she could just MAKE women believe in themselves, but she knows it’s not as easy as that! She loves being actionable to create confidence! Just one tiny step in a forward direction creates the momentum to more confidence.
In addition to building your confidence, her budget marketing tips also help you grow your business using solid marketing strategies. She teaches how to use all of your real estate to market. In other words, think of ALL THE WAYS you can promote your business and take advantage of them all! Additionally, she recommends collecting emails, nominating your business for awards that will garner you publicity and getting some press for your biz to establish credibility!
Kristy finishes our conversation by sharing the importance of the customer journey to retain clients and get new ones … AND … the how using white space is her secret to planning her biz strategies and growing the business of her dreams.
I think you’ll really love this episode!
In this episode:
- Let’s learn about Kristy! [0:41]
- How Kristy stayed motivated when things where at their worst [3:38]
- What is stopping women from starting their own business? [5:29]
- Shift to a mindset of confidence [6:14]
- Creating a marketing plan on a small budget [7:47]
- Marketing tips for someone working full-time or just getting started [10:53]
- Kristy’s favorite marketing channel [15:43]
- How to create a repeat customer [17:52]
- The magic of white space [19:57]
IG: @shecorporated
Website: https://www.shecorporated.com/
Bootstrappers Guide to BIG Marketing on a Small Budget
Free Magazine for Women Entreprenuers https://www.shecorporated.com/shecorporated-magazine
Upcoming Passion Project Workshop
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I hope these tips help! Keep in touch! Leave me a message at hollymariehaynes.com or instagram.com/holly_marie_haynes