Episode 309: From Survival Mode to Success using Relationship Marketing with Kendra Swalls
Mar 21, 2023Today we welcome Kendra Swalls to the podcast. Kendra started out as an Elementary School Teacher with a photography biz side hustle. Her photography business grew, and she was able to quit her teaching job. Along the way, she met people who were impressed with how she grew her business and she began teaching and mentoring others to do the same!
Kendra shares her journey building her business through “Relationship Marketing” – being intentional with building connections with your audience and not looking at your audience as just a number on your social media page - not just looking at them as a transaction.
Kendra has built a thriving online and in-person community supporting other photographers. This happened very naturally by talking, listening, and sharing with other photographers she met. She always thinks about how she can help and serve her audience with her online community and with her lead magnets. This draws people to her!
Kendra shares her love of automation – to build relationships and grow your business with ease. She closes us out with tips to prioritize relationship marketing in your business – how can you make each person in your community feel like the most important person in your community? Once you do that, you’re on your way to success!
In this episode
- Let’s learn about Kendra’s journey!
- Kendra talks about relationship marketing strategies
- What is Kendra's method for attracting people to her community?
- Let’s dig into Kendra's lead magnet funnel system
- Use automation to make your life easier and grow your business!
- How to start prioritizing relationship marketing
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Website: www.girlmeansbusiness.com
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I hope these tips help! Keep in touch! Leave me a message at hollymariehaynes.com or instagram.com/holly_marie_haynes