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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.



A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

Episode 301: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning to Full-Time Entrepreneurship with Amy Porterfield

podcast Feb 21, 2023
A Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning to Full-Time Entrepreneurship

I am over-the-moon excited to have Amy Porterfield on the podcast today! Many of you know Amy as an amazing business coach, but she’s here to talk about her new book, “Two Weeks Notice.”

We start by digging into Amy’s inspiration for taking the leap into entrepreneurship. She shares that she was REALLY GOOD at climbing the corporate ladder, but, after a fateful meeting in a room full of entrepreneurs, she decided she wanted more freedom – just like them!

It took her one year from that meeting to take the leap from her corporate job to entrepreneurship and, during that year, she developed the “sweet spot” strategy. It includes asking yourself four questions – (1) What am I good at that I can teach others? (2) Who do I want to work with? (3) Where are these people spending their money? (4) What lights you up and makes you happy?

This is all great and fine, BUT what about the money anxiety that comes along with quitting your corporate job? Amy explains that (luckily) online businesses have low overhead! However, you also need to find clarity on how much income you really need to survive and be willing to sacrifice for the first year of business. It might be a bumpy ride, but it will be worth it in the end!

Something Amy learned early in business – surround yourself with other people doing more than you! She realized that everyone has failures, and YOU are not your failures. They are simply experiences along the way to learn from! … And if you’re working a 9-5 with a dream of working for yourself one day, start building the runway NOW! Not sure how? Don’t worry! Amy shares the three business models perfect for entrepreneurs just getting started! Want more from Amy? Check out her new book at www.twoweeksnoticebook.com

On today’s episode

  • Amy shares why she wrote her book
  • How Amy knew it was time to take the leap from corporate 
  • Amy set a date to quit her corporate job – eeeek!
  • How to deal with money anxiety when taking that big leap into entrepreneurship
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with people doing bigger things than you 
  • Building the runway to entrepreneurship 
  • Three business models that are perfect if you’re just getting started

Connect with Amy: 

Website: https://www.amyporterfield.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/amyporterfield/
Buy the Book: https://twoweeksnoticebook.com/


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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.