Episode 233: Creating Confidence in your Entrepreneurial Journey with Jenny Zook
Jun 28, 2022
In this episode, learn from Jenny Zook on why confidence is important as a working mom and entrepreneur.
What we chat about in this episode:
-How what we wear impacts how we show up
-Where confidence comes from
-How building your confidence can impact your entrepreneurial journey
About Jenny:
Jenny is a teacher, turned mom of twins, who found herself a bit lost after becoming a mom. She went on a journey to rediscover myself and bring confidence back into my life using wellness, fashion, and mindset as a vehicle to get there. She is a teacher by training, a coach now, later in my career, with a real passion to help busy women live a life where they embody the skin they are in, cultivate confidence with ease, and have a desire to do these things without feeling like it’s extra. She's the founder of the Confidence Collective where she teaches her signature method, Shab to Chic, as a way to approach the three pillars that impact our confidence: how we look, feel, and think!
Connect with Jenny:
Website: theconfidencecollective.net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennyzook_style_confidence/
Free Summer Style Guide: https://www.theconfidencecollective.net/summerstyleguide
Free Swimsuit Guide: https://www.theconfidencecollective.net/swimsuitguide
Free Photoshoot Prep Guide: https://www.theconfidencecollective.net/photoshootsupport
APPLY FOR THE MASTERMIND: https://www.hollymariehaynes.com/crushtherushcollective
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I hope these tips help! Keep in touch! Leave me a message at hollymariehaynes.com or instagram.com/holly_marie_haynes