Episode 151: Booking your First 1:1 Client with Lindsay Maloney
Sep 14, 2021
In this episode, learn from Lindsay Maloney on setting up your business for a 1:1 container and how to connect with ideal clients.
What we chat about in this episode?
-How to get clear with the vision for your business so your audience can connect with you
-What clients are looking for when they land on your site
-Why we need to cater to the two major client types
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About Lindsay:
Lindsay Maloney is a self-made business and success coach who specializes in teaching women how to start and scale their dream coaching businesses with simplicity and confidence. She believes that you should always choose to use your intuition to guide you as you grow your business. With her step-by-step teachings and creative guidance you'll feel inspired to take her tips into action, push your business forward, and work with your dream clients. Lindsay works with women who want to get unstuck and structure their brilliance into a coaching business that's sustainable and financially exhilarating. She is also the creator of Stand Out Coaching Academy and is the host of the Book Your Dream Clients podcast.
Connect with Lindsay:
IG: @lindsay_maloney
Coaching Business Starter Pack: https://lindsaymaloney.lpages.co/coaching-business-starter-pack-free/
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I hope these tips help! Keep in touch! Leave me a message at hollymariehaynes.com or instagram.com/holly_marie_haynes