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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.



A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

Elevate Your Client Experience: Creating a Thriving Community and Crushing Your Goals

blog building your funnel business strategy business tips engagement strategy May 10, 2024
business strategist for female entrepreneurs Holly Haynes
Fun fact: I usually batch these blog posts a few weeks ahead of time, but with our travel schedule lately, they, along with our podcast episodes, are real-time. This has been kind of fun because I got so many comments about the "energy" of the episode.
Before we dive into today's topic, let's take a moment to appreciate the power of feedback. Last week's episode (that got repurposed into last week's blog post) sparked some fantastic discussions, especially about the energy levels. Sometimes, when I'm pumped about a topic, I tend to talk a mile a minute! But hey, it keeps things exciting, right?

Now, onto the main event. Have you ever experienced the frustration of having your social media account unexpectedly shut down? Well, that happened to us recently, and it got me thinking about the importance of client experience. But fear not, because today's post isn't about dwelling on setbacks; it's about turning challenges into opportunities.

Let's kick things off with a shoutout to our amazing readers. Did you know you can submit show topics directly to me? Just head over to www.hollymariehaynes.com/chat, and let's keep the conversation going! Now, onto this week's focus: Client Experience.

 In my previous life in the corporate world, I specialized in client experience. It's all about crafting memorable, long-term experiences that leave a lasting impression on your customers. And what better way to explore this than by looking at a couple of industry giants?

Let's use a few big examples.

  1. Peloton: Peloton has built a thriving community around its interactive fitness equipment. They use social media groups, virtual high-fives, and live classes to create a sense of belonging and shared accomplishment among their customers. This fosters strong brand loyalty and keeps users engaged. When I tag instructors, they respond back. It makes you feel like you have a spot in the room. Plus you are able to customize the programs even though it is a one:many model.
  2. Apple: While Apple doesn't have a traditional "community", their Genius Bar appointments and online forums demonstrate their commitment to exceptional customer service and building relationships with their users. They empower customers to learn about their products and troubleshoot issues in a collaborative environment. You feel like you are important and it is EASY to get help.

Why Customer Experience is So Important

So, why does client experience matter? Well, besides the warm fuzzies, it can significantly impact your bottom line. Think about it: happy customers are more likely to spread the word about your business, reducing acquisition costs and even allowing you to command premium prices. As a business strategist for female entrepreneurs, this is something I am super passionate about. 
  • Customer referrals can be up to 5 times more effective than paid advertising. Happy customers are more likely to become brand advocates, singing your praises and promoting your services to others. This organic word-of-mouth marketing can be incredibly powerful and cost-effective in attracting new clients.
  • Positive customer experiences can reduce customer acquisition costs by up to 50%. Epic client experiences generate positive testimonials, social proof, and online reviews. This can make your business more attractive to potential clients, allowing you to attract new customers at a lower cost compared to traditional marketing methods.
  • Companies with a superior customer experience can command premium prices. When clients perceive your service as exceptional and valuable, they are often willing to pay a higher price. An epic client experience can differentiate you from competitors and justify premium pricing.
Let's talk about putting theory into practice. As we've been designing our Mastermind Community, I've been laser-focused on creating an exceptional client experience. There are a few things I considered (and you can too) to create a thriving environment for yourself, your team, and your clients long term. Making the client experience exceptional and hopefully, one that stands out. We're not just talking about learning and growing (although that's super important!), we're talking about creating a supportive community that lifts you up and helps you absolutely helps you crush your goals. 
So, what sets our mastermind and the EXPERIENCE apart? Let's break it down. Not only am I going to give you the steps, but let's talk about how you can apply them to your business, too.


1. Prepping for Takeoff: It All Starts Before You Begin

Imagine joining a mastermind where you're not just another face in the crowd. Nope, we do our homework! Before you even officially join, we hop on a call to understand your unique goals and challenges. This way, we can ensure the mastermind becomes your personal launchpad for success. Plus, you get a killer welcome package full of resources and introductions to key team members – it's like getting the VIP treatment from the get-go! Gifting is my love language, but so is strategy. So before you even start you have a full customized plan and we get to do a little celebrating!
My goal is for you to know exactly what the next steps are and feel good about your plan going forward before you even start.
How do you apply this to your business? When someone joins you, what happens? What is the first step that can wow them?
 Introducing a new private podcast series that’s just for you if you’re sick of all the Instagram BS! (or insert social channel of your choice). You can build a business without being a slave to the social engine. Grab the free series.

2. Weekly Hotseats & Support Like Whoa!

Picture this: every week, you get dedicated time for a hot seat coaching session. Think of it like your chance to shine a spotlight on your biggest business challenge and get laser-focused advice from me and the entire mastermind crew. But it's not just about you! We also have group coaching sessions where we tackle relevant topics and brainstorm solutions together. Plus, we regularly invite industry rockstars for exclusive Q&A sessions and workshops – talk about getting access to the best of the best!
My goal: you never have to google anything ever again. I know your custom plan and business (remember step one), so every week I personally have notes of what you are doing and why. We are fast-tracking your results and getting you the right answers customized to your plan.
How do you apply this to your business? Once someone is in your world, whether it be a product or service, how are you communicating with them? People pay for accountability, not education. They want the personal touch.

3. Building Your Dream Team Inside the Mastermind

Do you know what makes a mastermind truly special? The connections you make! We strategically match members based on personalities and goals, creating powerful accountability partnerships. Think of it as finding your business bestie but also a dream team of partners. Copywriters, sales coaches, ops specialists, and more.
To keep the conversation flowing, we have a private online platform where you can share resources, ask questions, and celebrate each other's wins. But it doesn't stop there! We also organize virtual and in-person social events – these are a blast, trust me! (Did you see our last retreat in Austin? You get more done in one weekend than most do the entire quarter).
My goal: Honestly, I have clients who have literally planned vacations with other clients and their families because the community is that magical, but worst case scenario you have an amazing network that makes support easy even when our program is over. I always say your next profitable partnership is waiting inside.
How do you apply this to your business? What value can you provide above and beyond what your offer is? In this case, business strategy is the offer, but networking is this amazing bonus that is just as valuable as well as support from our team.

4. Seeing Results That Make You Do a Happy Dance!

Look, the proof is in the pudding, right? We're talking about real results here! We have countless member testimonials from women who have skyrocketed their revenue, achieved their goals, and completely transformed their businesses thanks to the mastermind. And it's not just about the feel-good stories. We track data and metrics to show the tangible results our members are achieving. Numbers don't lie!
My goal: I want your decision to join our community to be easy. We make it accessible to talk to members before you join, read case studies, and more.
How do you apply this to your business? How can you make seeing believing? What case studies can you share so the experience is well known? What data can you share to make the decision easy? Most businesses DON'T do this. So let's set you up to be one that does.

5. Feeling Like a VIP Because You Are!

Let's be honest, being part of an exclusive community feels pretty darn good, right? That's why we limit the number of spots in our mastermind. It ensures you get the personalized attention you deserve. Plus, there's a selective application process to make sure we build a high-caliber group of rockstar entrepreneurs. And to top it all off, mastermind members get priority access to my coaching expertise, workshops, and other exclusive offers. Basically, you're treated like the VIP you are!
My goal: I personally know every single client's business model, family, vacation schedule, etc. We get personal.
How do you apply this to your business? How can you make the relationship individualized? Or exclusive? And go the extra mile? Send a card. Celebrate a birthday. Give them a VIP experience. Or create smaller groups so that even though it might be a large program, your clients get individualized attention.
This is just a taste of the incredible client experience we've created inside our mastermind community. It's a place where you can learn, grow, connect, and achieve more than you ever thought possible.
And yes, I used our mastermind example for a reason (it is an epic experience), but I truly believe if you go out and curate an experience that is different than anything else out there, you will see different results.
How can you make your product, service, and community stand out? And attract VIP customers? Take your programs and products and make them personalized. I'd love to hear your ideas and I hope this inspired you!

Looking for more tips? Check out our Crush the Rush Club!


About the author

Holly Haynes is a business strategist who loves a good plan and flow chart. She is crazy passionate about teaching women like you how to build your dream job and scale to 6-figures without sacrificing your weekends or priorities.

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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.