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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

Attracting Your Ideal Clients Part 1: Defining Your "Custom" Anti-Social Business Strategy

blog engagement strategy lead magnet Jul 13, 2023
Business strategist holly haynes working with a female entrepreneur to define her custom anti-social business strategy
I have a special surprise for you. I get a lot of behind-the-scenes questions and 99% of them are around Income (i.e. how do I make money right now) and content. As in what do I create to attract people to want to work with me? Going back to money. Does it all always come down to time and money?

Keeping it Simple

One of the ways that I have built my business is by focusing on having a solid client attraction strategy. This means, how are you constantly bringing new people, leads, and connections into your world? And by constantly, I mean daily. And then what you are doing to foster a relationship and build connections?
When I start talking about this sometimes my client's face completely blank out like, oh my gosh, this sounds like so much work. But it actually isn't. This entire process can be done in one to two hours a week.
Last week I opened up our summer version of Anti-Social School, it's the "learn how to run your business off-line" strategy you know you need with a 1:1 component to hold you accountable all done in less than two hours a week. (No excuses!) You can go to www.hollymariehaynes.com/antisocial to get more info. But I get it, before you commit to something you want to know if it works. This is why I am sharing this two-part blog series (which is an entire masterclass) on building your Client attraction strategy. We repurposed the whole thing so you can read it, take notes, and implement it right now.
Are you ready to finally head into the next quarter with a solid client attraction strategy that you KNOW will deliver the results you need saving time and with a plan to increase sales? Today we are diving into Defining Your "Custom" Anti-Social Business Strategy.

Step 1: Identifying Pain Points and Using The Right Words

The first step of creating and attracting your ideal client is to identify their pain points and provide content that provides solutions, as well as using language that speaks those points. The #1 exercise I recommend to all of my clients is the 30-30 exercise. I do this for every single launch, every single program, every thing I have, and I do it over and over. On the left-hand side of the paper, write down 30 pain points that your client has experienced. Think of the power of one: one person, one focus, one outcome. When you think about what you are offering right now, the season that we are in, what are 30 pain points your client is experiencing? On the other side of the piece of paper, write 30 ways that you can help. So 30 pain points, 30 ways that you can help.
The reason this works and the reason that you should do it multiple times (once a month, once a quarter, etc) is that it is seasonal. It's focusing on what's going on right now. A lot of my clients are like, "Ah, it's crazy. My kids are outta school and I'm trying to get things done and I don't know where to start." Or "The economy's a little weird." What are those pain points and how are you going to fix them? Think about the words that your clients are using.
On the other side of your paper are 30 ways that you can help. The outcome is you now have what I call money words. So you have the exact words that your clients or future clients are saying, and you can now use this as content or conversation starters, posts, blogs, or podcast topics. As a business strategist I'll often say to a client, "Let's talk about a client attraction strategy. And people are like, what the heck does that mean? In other words, how about how do you make money right now and get ready for your next launch? 
This exercise is really easy to do, super simple and doesn't require any fancy tools. And the best part is you now have 30 pieces of content that you can write about because you can write a post for every one of them. You could write an email for every one of them and/or have podcast topics for those and you are directly answering the pain points that your clients are experiencing.

What's the biggest problem that your clients have right now and how can you solve it?

Step 2: Create a Clear Help Statement

The next step in the process is to get clear on what you do. Can you explain to a stranger in three to four sentences what you do? I have a few help statements depending on who I am talking to, but often I say "I help female entrepreneurs run a full-time business on a part-time schedule without social media." Or "I help female business owners build their business without being reliant on social media." It's super easy and simple, and the transformation has to be clear.

Here are some other clear examples:

  • I help female entrepreneurs meal plan in 20 minutes or less a week
  • I teach you how to organically launch your three K group coaching program
  • I help corporate women over 40 reduce stress and inflammation by focusing on my gut health protocol
  • I teach busy families how to grow their own fresh vegetables in small urban spaces.

I help [who do you help] + do [what do you do] + specific transformation

This way when you're pitching yourself or you're talking about yourself, it's just really easy to talk about what you do. So the help statement is the first sentence or two, and then we layer on with your solution.  I would say "Well I have found that most business owners don't have time to work on their business. So I created the Crush Thrush method to teach a foundation on scaling that works for them." Or, "I created the Ditch Social Drama podcast to teach you how to grow and scale without being dependent on the social media algorithm." You can see just how much easier the conversation is and you don't clam up when people ask you exactly what you do.

This works for any business, even the creative side. The goal is that you're talking about the outcome that the products that you are sharing are creating. So far you have 30 pieces of content that you can create because you did the 30-30 exercise and you can now have a strategic conversation because the help statement is going change the game for you. When people ask you what you do, now you're going to know exactly how to say. 

Step 3: Create Your Home Base

Now that we know what we do and the pain points of our future clients, we want to give them a place to hang out so that we can nurture them. And the place to hang out is not social media because we can't control that. It could go away, and we don't know who's looking at it. Think about where your clients hang out in real life. If you have clients and you're making money, where do they come from? That's always the number one question because you want to focus more on that. Or if you don't have clients yet, where are they hanging out? Yes, they're on social media and we're gonna cover how we do that, but where else are they hanging out?

Do you love these tips? Take the Productivity Personality Quiz to get a Netflix-style binge-worthy resource list to help you find your focus and is customized to you! Take the quiz here. 

What is your home base? Mine is my podcast. If you don't have a podcast, it's probably an email list. If they're at Target, how would they find you? You have to strategically think, my people hang out at Target. How do they get there? They're driving and probably listening to a podcast. Do they have a lot of time? No. If they wanna learn something, how are they learning it? Maybe it's a webinar, maybe it's a podcast.

Are they reading emails? Most likely your person is where you were one to two years ago. How were you finding things? How were you interacting? I think so often we're told to just keep posting and keep sharing, but that's not the answer. So instead figure out where do your clients hang out and pick a home base so that when you're having these conversations and sharing your help statement, you're pointing them back to this home base. The piece that most people skip is to think about the customer journey. So you send them your lead magnet or whatever the free thing is, but what happens after that? Our whole growth strategy is actually focused on the entire customer journey. The simplified flow of it looks like this:

 The flow of your customer journey

  1. Organic conversation -> your help statement: podcasts, summits, networking events, or emails.
  2. Your Home base: Email, online community, blog, free resources
  3. Client nurturing: Emails, workshops, challenges, some sales
  4. Sales: relationships+ trust

The whole goal is to always, always, always bring new people into your world. This should be something you focus on every single week (and it's not posting.) If you're hearing crickets, check the words you are using. Go back to that 30-30 exercise. Are you saying the things that people are relating to? Then, how many times are you saying it? Are you putting yourself out there in other places?

Consistency is Key

This piece is constant and consistent, it should be part of your weekly schedule. If you do one thing every week, this is it because you're nurturing the relationships and if you're putting the right content out there, people will come to you.

Maybe this is going on a coffee date with someone local, or teaching at a summit, being a guest on a podcast, or creating a new lead magnet. A have a whole blog post on Grassroot marketing that dives into this more. Community involvement (like speaking or volunteering locally) and having a referral program for current or past clients are other great ways to increase visibility and bring new people into your world.

Share client testimonials.

Personally, I'm motivated by what other people do. So when I see like, oh my gosh, they did X, Y, Z I want to do that, I want to know how to do that. I made it a goal once a week to share a client case study or a customer testimonial. Sometimes it's on Instagram, sometimes it's on stories, sometimes it's in an email. It comes down to putting it out there again, making yourself visible so that people are like, "I didn't know she did that. I want those results." And then it starts a conversation.

  1. Bring new people into your world.
  2. Direct them to your homebase or anti-social driver. Most of the time this is something free or something of significant value that's going to get them a quick win. Look at your lead magnet. If you don't have one, you need one. If you do have one, is it mind-blowing?  Like, oh my gosh, I can't believe she gave that away for free valuable.

    That's what I want people to think about the things that you're offering because when they're ready to work with you, it's an easy yes. How do you make it an easy yes? You have a home base that you're pointing people to, which is typically your lead magnet, you've got a consistent plan to network, and then email marketing drives the process home.

We chat more about email marketing and increasing visibility in part two of this series.


Looking for more on this topic and your High-Level Action items? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!



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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.