5 Things to Do on Sunday to Have The Most Amazing Week Ever
May 12, 2021
If you know me, you know I love a good routine. But I am a HUGE believer in starting the week out strong which means taking some time on Sunday to plan and organize.
Let's chat about 5 things you can do to really have the most amazing week ever. But before we get into the activities, I want to share why it is important.
According to Entrepreneur magazine, Sunday is the MOST important day of the week for your well-being. AND guess what? Your business will benefit when you prioritize the most important people in your life. The article in Entrepreneur magazine by Ryan Coisson states:
- There are 3 specific ways the Sunday step-back benefits your business while it helps recharge your batteries, fend off depression and make you more personally productive.
- Sunday is prime social time. Sunday is prime time to make new connections or caretake the ones you already have. In short, spending quality time with the people who mean the most to you can help improve your health and expel stress. Both are essential for a successful business.
- Sunday is the perfect day for self-care. Taking care of your physical and mental self is essential to rejuvenation. (I'm a big believer in batching, which is why I like to do the bulk of my self care on Sundays.)
- Sunday gives you a jump on planning. Entrepreneurs are expert innovators who thrive on often unconventional work tactics. However, you also must make time to plan the week ahead so you can use your time in the office wisely.
So, if you are like me, that sounds great but you are like, um Holly I have kids, there are chores to do, how do I fit this in? I am going to tell you.
The first thing that I prioritize on the weekend is sleep, but we can lump it into self-care.
STEP ONE: Self-care. Sometimes I will work a bit on Saturday mornings so that I know I can take most of the day on Sunday away from my business. On Sundays, I do yoga and slow down. I also take a bath and negotiate with my husband to take over bedtime. These are really little steps, yet they make a huge difference. I have found that if I don’t slow down on Sunday and find ways to recharge AWAY from work, that Mondays tend to be filled with anxiety and overwhelm because I am already tired before the week even starts. One of the easiest self-care steps is to just schedule time for yourself. And honestly, as it relates to business, Sundays are my most creative days because I have this downtime.
STEP TWO: Tidy Up. And when I say tidy-up, I mean everywhere. When you start the week out with a clean slate feeling organized it just feels good. Which increases your confidence and your energy. Tidying up for us means doing laundry, putting the clothes away, making sure all the toys find a home. And for me, it means cleaning off my desk. I want to go into a Monday feeling accomplished from the weekend and not distracted by clutter. Being organized has a lot of benefits but living in a space that is clear of clutter offers a few more:
- Save time by not spending time looking for things.
- Save money by not buying items you already have.
- Instill confidence by knowing where things are in the home.
- Reduce stress related to lost items or lost information.
- Manage many activities and deadlines more efficiently. Usually, I set a timer for an hour and just go around the house and tidy up as much as I can. No one wants to spend all day clearing, but taking a few small steps in a focused time period really helps.
STEP THREE: What is your wellness plan for the week? For me, this means meal prep and workout planning. Usually, I plan out my meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for myself and the family on Thursday / Friday and then prep on Saturday / Sunday. I am a pretty low-key meal prepper, which means when a meal calls for chicken, I am usually buying a rotisserie chicken and cutting it up or planning on left hours a few days a week. I then put the recipe and the dinner plans on a whiteboard on our fridge so everyone knows what is planned. Going into the week I usually make double of whatever we are eating for dinner on Sunday so we have a headstart. I also look at my schedule when planning meals. I will make a big casserole the day before I have a ton of meetings so that dinner isn't delayed when I run late. Or am just tired from being on zoom on all day.
Your energy matters. And what you put in your body is going to help you be able to keep the schedule you want to keep. This impacts everything.
STEP FOUR: Plan your Week. You can use the Crush the Rush method to do this. If you don’t have the planner yet, this is actually in the weekly plan in more detail, BUT I am going to walk you through it high level so you can do it right now. I do this every Sunday morning before everyone is up and it is sort of my “grounding” time. I start with these 3 questions.
- What went well this week? What can I celebrate?
- What do I need to improve on?
- What can I do to make next week great?
Then I go in and pull out appointments, meetings, left over-to-dos from last week and map it all out. My favorite quote is “if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, not the goal” So this is your time to adjust before everything gets crazy busy again and the week is in full swing.
STEP FIVE: Connect with your VIPs. These are your very important priorities. For me, this is my family as well as taking a break from social media. I typically go pretty quiet from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, but stepping away so you have to physically and mentally connect with others is so important.
I hope these 5 steps remind you that going into the week with a strategy and plan can not only help you get more done BUT can actually help a lot of that overwhelm and anxiety disappear. Let’s walk into Monday with confidence, better yet. Feeling rested and ready to take on the week.
Every Sunday in our FB community we talk about this Sunday planning method and how to get ready for the week. Jump in and join us! I am here to cheer you on.
Looking for more details on this topic?! Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!