Let’s Work Together


A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.



A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

5 Steps to Setup your Weekly Business Strategy

blog business strategy Sep 15, 2020

One of the most asked questions I get is how to setup your weekly plan or strategy when you are strapped for time on the weekend.

In episode 034 I chat about exactly how I do this in 30 minutes or less on Sunday afternoons.

But here are the five steps that you can work through:

STEP 1 – Review Goals (Quarterly and Monthly) – This include those goals you setup a few months ago, the ones that you don’t want to lose focus of!

STEP 2 – Review “big rocks” for the week – What big meetings or appointments do you have? Do you have any deadlines coming up? These are things that you typically can’t move (or don’t want to).

STEP 3 – Schedule your days (high level) – At a really high level, block out your days so you know when you have free time and when you have blocks of time to work on those goals in STEP 1.

STEP 4 – Add in some fun! (My “unpacking” method) – This is where you take everything you planned and cut it in half. As in make sure you are ONLY focused on the right things. Which is ONE goal at a time.

BONUS: Take a minute to plan your meals so you don’t hit the witching hour at 5pm everyday!

As a bonus, here is how I plan my content every week AND here is a sample weekly meal plan.

Now you have no excuse but to crush the rush and be productive!

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Skip the burnout and get access to my free 5-day CEO Week Challenge.

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Are you bursting with ideas and wondering how the heck you are going to find time to make it happen?

Imagine your time management fairy god-mother coming in to wave her magic wand and show you a better way! And actually, see results. we combine productivity best practices, business strategy, and community support to help you get to the next level without burnout.


Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.