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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

5 Mindful Ways to Successfully Re-Charge Your Goals For The Rest of the Year

blog mindset Sep 12, 2023
female business strategist Holly Haynes
On this week's blog post, I want to dig into how to successfully re-charge your goals for the rest of the year.
Now I know that it isn't technically mid-year, but I personally feel that September is the new January and after Labor Day weekend everyone essentially panics. Well, I do because it is basically the holidays. I am saying this sarcastically, but Halloween stuff is already out and when we were at Costco this weekend, Christmas trees were out. I wish time would slow down but the economy we live in speeds it up.
I was talking to one of my friends last week and he shared a quote that basically said, "We, as entrepreneurs, chose a job where you have to have the psychology of a gladiator." Right? I can give you the exact steps to take, and if your mindset and psychology are not in it, it won't work.
So I thought even though I am not a mindset expert, this week's blog would be helpful to chat about mindful ways we can finish this year strong.

Mindful Ways We Can Finish The Year Strong

#1. Your worth is not tied to the result.

You control your energy, not the outcome. You could follow the best strategic plan to a T and it still might not work. I guarantee if you go into any season with the right attitude you will learn something. And that lesson could be the thing that takes you to the next level. You control your energy, your actions, your mindset, how you show up. But your worth is NOT tied to the result. Write that down. I would argue that your worth is how you show up, how you stay consistent, how you take responsibility, and how you take ownership to get to the next level.

#2 You MUST have a compelling vision.

The example I give all the time is the bus stop dream. When I was scaling, saying I wanted to make 6-figures in my business was not motivating for me. It fell flat. What did motivate me? Being able to put my kids on the bus. Saying yes to quarterly vacations. Knowing that my husband and I can go on a date day once a week. Being able to volunteer in my kids' classroom. That is motivating.
What is your vision? And p.s. This should NOT be easily achievable. This should be the sort of vision that makes your stomach do backflips, that wakes you up in the middle of the night and is so massive you have a hard time imagining it happening, but you want it SO bad. Have a very clear compelling vision.

#3 You need to have emotional and productivity mastery.

Going back to #1, this is something you can control. What are you doing to practice gratitude, feel your emotions, and take control of your schedule? I try to think about how I can do this every day. For me, it is movement (because I suffer from anxiety and it gets the jitters out), support (asking for help or leaning into a community), and taking control of my schedule.
If you control your schedule you control your life. The minute you let go of all the "busy" things that don't serve you, you will explosively grow. And of course, it comes down to strategy. The 80/20 rule. 20% of your actions get 80% of your results. What are you focused on? And are you focused on the right things?

#4 Embrace money and let go of toxic thought patterns.

Create mantras to help you with that massive vision. The minute we as a family started having real money conversations and used it as a tool instead of a toxic thought, everything changed. I say on repeat: I have exactly what I need to be successful. Money flows to me no matter what I do. Business is easy and fun.
What can you do to embrace a positive relationship with your financial situation?


Energy goes where your focus flows.

What are you doing to be fulfilled? Both personally and professionally? Life supports life. I personally believe if you help enough people, you will get everything you deserve. Go into this season with a servant's heart. The energy around that will take you to the next level. Lean into new ideas, collaborations, and emersion.
The best results usually come from the most joyful experiences. How can you create more of that?
Do you love these tips? Take the Productivity Personality Quiz to get a Netflix-style binge-worthy resource list to help you find your focus and is customized to you! Take the business personality quiz. 

Flip the script

Behind the scenes, I have really been trying to embrace this. Working in corporate is SO much different than working for yourself and the ups and downs are something I had to REALLY get used to. I also take everything SO personally. I truly want every one of my clients to hit every single one of their goals, like tomorrow. When factors come into play that I can't control, I start to tie my worth to someone else's results, which is a recipe for disaster. These mindful tactics helped me flip the script:
You can have an epic vision and mission.
You can take control of your schedule and are responsible for your actions. No one else. Just you.
You can love money and what it does for you and your community.
You are a grown adult and can let go of toxic stressful negative patterns. You can control your energy.
And finally, business should be more fun.
I used to beat myself up for not wanting to get dressed up every day like I did in the corporate world for 22 years. It's FUN for me to wear my favorite Athleta gear. It reminds me of how far I have come.

Do you see how it is so easy to flip the script?

Behind the scenes, we have done something fun and completely re-designed our Work with Me page. I am sharing this because if you have an epic vision, you are ready to take control of your schedule and take responsibility for the next level, fill out the form and I'll share ways we can help. Just go to hollymariehaynes.com and in the top right corner click work with me. The last quarter of the year DOES NOT need to be stressful.
Design your dream job. I got you.
Looking for more on this topic and your High-Level Action items? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!
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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.