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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

How I've Used Consistency to Grow My Business and 3 Things I've Learned Through Podcasting

blog building your funnel business systems business tips for entrepreneurs content planning engagement strategy lead magnet Feb 06, 2024
business strategist for female entrepreneurs Holly Haynes
 Today's blog post lines up with our 400th episode of the Crush the Rush Podcast. As I've shared before, the podcast is the start of our long-from content, how we repurpose so much content, and how I can build my business without social media. Here's how it all started.
I had an idea to create a podcast and in my manifesting generator/enneagram 3 way, bought a microphone on Amazon, wrote the first episode, recorded it, and launched it in less than two weeks.
Would I do it that way if I had to launch a podcast again now? No.
Am I glad I did?

The podcast has changed my entire life

  • We have been ranked in the top 100, 73 is our best so far.
  • I have had the honor of interviewing the likes of Jenna Kutcher, Anthony Trucks, Amy Porterfield, and more. (Did I think that was even possible? No).
  • Almost 90% of our clients come from the podcast, which has created this content machine for us.
But it also uncovered a passion I have for speaking. After I left my corporate job and was starting to see how powerful podcasts could be, I decided to go on a speaking tour. I had more time, right? Well in true Holly fashion, I have a hard time doing things small. And in one year (2022 - 2023) spoke on over 300 podcasts.

This means in total, I have been on (including my own) 700 podcast episodes.

Like what? It stops me in my tracks too.
So I thought it would be fun to share what I have learned along the way. Because that is 700 epsiodes which means 700 amazing people. 21,000 minutes, 350 hours of interviews (if the average episode is 30 minutes).
Crazy right?

What I've learned


1) Most people quit.

If you can be consistent you will succeed. Even if it isn't at the thing you think you should be succeeding at. Most people who start a podcast quit after the first season or the first few episodes. Or even the first few pitches or the first few editing sessions.
Regardless of if you have a podcast or not, what if you just followed through? So often I hear, "It's not working" or, "I think I should pivot." My question back to you is, "How long have you been consistent?"
As James Clear says, "Sometimes all you need for exceptional results is average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time."
Introducing a new private podcast series that’s just for you if you’re sick of all the Instagram BS! (or insert social channel of your choice). You can build a business without being a slave to the social engine. Grab the free series.


2) Be Intentional.

I think my biggest pet peeve is when people show up unprepared. I show up for an interview on their show, they have no idea who I am, haven't thought about what to ask, and are just winging it. Which I get, but you have to be intentional.
With any content, ask yourself, "Why am I putting it out in the world? What is my intention?" Don't just post to post or record to record. It has to be more than checking it off your list.
As someone who is being interviewed, I want to know what the goal of the show is so I can help them be successful. As an interviewer I want to make sure I highlight your best work.
Be intentional about what you are sharing so that it has a purpose. It's not just noise.

3) You have to love it.

Deep down I really love speaking on podcasts. I teach better when I talk. I move my hands, I get excited. I dress in my brand colors. I geek out about the strategy behind sharing our resources - heck we created a whole program around networking organically because of this (hello, Anti-Social School).
My point in sharing this is you have to truly enjoy what you do. If I hated speaking, 700 podcasts would literally kill me. It wouldn't happen.
If I didn't love strategy, I couldn't have written over 400 episodes with a list of 100 more ideas.
If I didn't believe in the power of networking down to my core, I wouldn't follow through on all the steps it takes to create meaningful relationships and put out content that matters.
But I love it.
When you think about running a business, what do you love? Do more of that. What I love and what you love might be totally different. But that is OK, we don't have to all fit in the same spot.
Our entire business is basically structured around the content of this podcast. But it is because that is what I love. If our business was based around me creating TikTok videos, it would fail. There would not be 700 posts because it is not aligned with me.
So while these lessons aren't exactly about podcating, I hope you start to think about celebrating business milestones differently.
  1. Consistency trumps talent.
  2. Be intentional. Your success is dependent on consistent action over time with sincere effort and intelligent execution. Not a fancy plan.
  3. You have to want it. You have to love it. You have to literally feel the excitement in your soul of putting this out into the world.
When you do that, magic happens. And the best part, your strategy is completely your own.
Thank you for being here! We are just getting started.



About the author

Holly Haynes is a business strategist who loves a good plan and flow chart. She is crazy passionate about teaching women like you how to build your dream job and scale to 6-figures without sacrificing your weekends or priorities.


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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.