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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

The Difference Between Goals and Standards

blog business tips for entrepreneurs daily habits motivation Nov 14, 2022
business strategist for female entrepreneurs Holly Haynes
As the holiday season approaches, it's essential to establish clear goals and standards to navigate the busy period effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of setting standards and goals, how they complement each other, and practical steps to incorporate them into your daily routine.
The holiday season often coincides with a surge in entrepreneurial activities, making it crucial to maintain focus and productivity amidst the festivities (you shouldn't have to choose one or the other). As a business strategist for female entrepreneurs, I've learned that one effective way to achieve this is by defining your standards and goals.

Understanding Standards

So as you go into the holiday season or any busy season, think about this: What are your standards? Standards are the expected level of achievement you want to accomplish daily or within a specific period of time. These are not nice to have, these are I absolutely must do this. Some of my standards in this season are:
  • Limit social media screen time to one hour a day
  • Walk 7,500 steps
  • Read 10 pages
  • Create one piece of content (going back to create more than I consume)
  • Don't hit snooze
  • Do something fun every day
  • Drink 100 ounces of water

How to Set Your Standards

If I am being honest, when I wrote out my November goals, I set out these standards first. These are my non-negotiables every day. Most people don't talk about standards even though we think about them all the time.
Today I am not going to scroll.
Today I am going to be hydrated.
Today I am going to walk outside.
Today I am going to write that awesome blog post.
These are all standards. And writing them down will help you realize what yours are.

Your attitude determines your altitude

"Succesful people don't just drift off to the top. Getting there requires focused action, personal discipline, and lots of energy every day to make things happen," says American author and entrepreneur Jack Canfield. And he couldn't be more accurate.
You can see that while these take effort, they are not exactly challenging. Yes, in January when it's -20 degrees outside 7,500 steps might be hard but they are all doable. I like to think my daily standards add up to the consistency that starts to create momentum. Kind of like those tiny micro habits that seem like nothing, but over time actually get amazing results.
So, when you go into this next season, what are your standards? Some examples of business ones are:
  • Follow the 80/20 rule (20% of your effort will get you 80% of your results)
  • Create more than you consume
  • Prioritization (aka the Eisenhower grid) Do, Defer, Delegate, or Delete (we could do a whole blog on this standard, but every time you sit down to do a task map it through this grid. Do you have to do it? Can you defer it, can someone else do it, or is it just not important?
I am going to worry about the activities that move the needle the most (80/20 rule). As a business owner, it is always important to create more than you consume, and finally, when you get overwhelmed, prioritize your activities.
Consistency is where you will see results. BUT, if I were to give you ONE tip. This would be it:

For ultimate productivity, embrace the One Notebook Rule. I use ClickUp for business planning but carry a special dedicated notebook with blank or lined pages. Not my quarterly planner or my laptop, just a notebook (with a cute cover but that's just me). Each and every day, I write down the date and carry it with me, capturing to-do items, notes from calls, or even just random thoughts.


At the end of hte day, I review the notebook alongside my planner. Using the DO-DELEGATE-DELETE-DEFER method, I decide what my next step is. If a task needs action, I time block it or input it into ClickUp. If it's just a passing thought, I let it be. Delegating tasks to the team or deferring them completes the process.

Can you imagine the momentum you can create by just raising your daily standards?
 Introducing a new private podcast series that’s just for you if you’re sick of all the Instagram BS! (or insert social channel of your choice). You can build a business without being a slave to the social engine. Grab the free series.

The Power of Goals

Now let's layer on some goals. You have at this point mapped out your daily standards, now let's set some goals for what we want to see at the end of this season. Goals, on the other hand, are specific targets that you aim to achieve within a set timeframe. Unlike standards, which focus on daily habits, goals provide a roadmap for long-term progress and accomplishment.
When setting goals, it's essential to make them achievable yet challenging, requiring intention and effort to accomplish. Bucketing your goals into categories such as business, personal, and self-care can help you maintain balance and focus on what matters most to you.
I'll plug our planner here because at the beginning of every month, there is an entire goal-setting exercise. I like to think of goals as achievable, but something that you are not going to achieve in a day. They are going to take some intention and work. Personally, I like to bucket my goals. So each month I have business goals, personal goals, family goals, self-care goals, etc. I pick one or two things that I want to achieve in each category.
  • Read a book for fun. (This is actually super hard for me).
  • Work three days a week.
  • Go to yoga one time a week

Incorporating Goals and Standards

Standards and goals work synergistically to drive progress and create momentum in your life. While standards establish daily habits and routines, goals provide direction and purpose, guiding you towards your desired outcomes.

Incorporating your standards and goals into your daily plan allows you to stay organized and focused without having to expend unnecessary mental energy. By automating your daily actions based on your standards and aligning them with your overarching goals, you create a roadmap for success that requires minimal effort to follow.

Can you see the difference between standards and goals? My self-care goal is to go to yoga once a week, but also my standard is to walk 7,500 steps daily. See how they work together?
Once you create your standards and your goals for the season you can then incorporate them into your daily plan (p.s. I teach this inside our monthly planning party in our club and mastermind community). Every day, you now have an outline of what you need to do without even thinking. Genius, right?
I created this blog post because I feel like as we head into the busy season, setting these guard rails of goals and standards will help us see the results we want even more. And if I am being honest, it is a step most of us skip. It is easier just to work and hope the goal gets met. Bill Copeland states, "The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score."

Using Standards to Live a Purpose-Driven Life

Do you sometimes feel like that? Like you are running on a hamster wheel? This is why. You are going through life without daily standards and without goals.
Setting goals and then working ridiculously hard to achieve them sets you on the path of living a purpose-driven life. "If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else."

As we approach the holiday season, setting clear goals and standards can help us navigate the busy period with confidence and ease. By defining our standards and goals, we establish guardrails for success, ensuring that we stay focused, motivated, and productive amidst the holiday hustle and bustle.

Don't underestimate the power of daily standards and long-term goals in shaping your life and business. Embrace these simple yet effective strategies to set yourself on the path to success and fulfillment, both during the holiday season and beyond.

These two SIMPLE steps will create the momentum you need to carry you through. And go into the holiday season ditching the stress.

Want More Actionable Strategies?

Let's talk about some additional actionable strategies to help you master your goals and standards during the holiday season and beyond!
  1. Reflect on Past Achievements: Before diving into setting new goals, take a moment to reflect on your past achievements and challenges. Consider what has worked well for you in the past and areas where you may have faced obstacles. Reflecting on past experiences can provide valuable insights to inform your current goals and standards. One thing people often skip is celebrating their accomplishments. This is so important! Celebrate your wins, big or small.
  2. Prioritize SMART Goals: When setting goals, prioritize SMART criteria – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals provide a clear framework for goal-setting, ensuring that your objectives are well-defined and attainable. By making your goals SMART, you'll have a roadmap to guide your actions and track your progress effectively.
  3. Flexibility and Adaptability: While it's important to maintain consistency in pursuing your goals, it's equally essential to remain flexible and adaptable. Recognize that circumstances may change, and priorities may shift, especially during the hectic holiday season. Be prepared to adjust your goals and standards as needed to stay aligned with your evolving needs and aspirations. This doesn't mean you've failed, you just need to pivot.
  4. Celebrate Milestones: Like I said above, celebrate your progress and milestones along the way. Whether it's reaching a specific target, overcoming a challenge, or achieving a significant milestone, take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements. Celebrating milestones boosts morale and motivation, reinforcing positive behaviors and encouraging you to keep pushing forward.
  5. Accountability and Support: Seek accountability and support to help you stay accountable to your goals. Whether it's partnering with an accountability buddy, joining a supportive community, or working with a coach, having external support can provide encouragement and accountability when facing challenges. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you on your journey.
  6. Prioritize Self-Care and Well-being: Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, prioritize self-care and well-being. Incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time outdoors (walking five miles every day has changed my life). Listen to your body's needs and take breaks when necessary to prevent burnout and maintain overall health and wellness.
  7. Review and Adjust: Regularly review your progress towards your goals and standards and be willing to adjust them as needed. How do you know where you are if you don't stop to look around, where you've been, and the direction you're headed? Assess what's working well, what needs improvement, and make necessary changes to stay aligned with your priorities. Stay flexible and open to feedback, and be willing to pivot when necessary to ensure continued growth and success.
  8. Cultivate Mindfulness and Gratitude: Practice mindfulness and gratitude to cultivate a positive mindset and enhance resilience. Incorporate mindfulness exercises and gratitude journaling into your daily routine to foster a sense of perspective and appreciation. Cultivating gratitude can help you stay grounded and focused on the present moment, even amidst the holiday chaos. Or any chaos for that matter!
  9. Embrace Continuous Learning and Growth: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth to fuel your personal and professional development. Seek out opportunities for learning, whether through books, courses, workshops, or mentorship (including high level coaching with a business strategist). Stay curious and open-minded, and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to expand your knowledge and skills.
  10. Engage with Your Community: Engage with your community and seek support from like-minded individuals who share your goals and aspirations. Build meaningful connections and foster relationships with others who can provide support, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can help you stay motivated and accountable on your journey towards success.

As we navigate the holiday season and beyond, mastering our goals and standards is essential for personal and professional growth. By reflecting on past achievements, prioritizing SMART goals, remaining flexible and adaptable, celebrating milestones, seeking accountability and support, prioritizing self-care, reviewing and adjusting goals, cultivating mindfulness and gratitude, embracing continuous learning and growth, and engaging with our community, we can set ourselves up for success and achieve our aspirations.

Remember, the journey toward success is not always linear, but with determination, resilience, and the right strategies in place, we can overcome obstacles and reach our full potential.


Looking for more on this topic? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!


About the author

Holly Haynes is a business strategist who loves a good plan and flow chart. She is crazy passionate about teaching women like you how to build your dream job and scale to 6-figures without sacrificing your weekends or priorities.


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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

© 2022 Holly Marie Haynes, LLC |